

Kyungdong University – Metropole Campus(Yangju · Gyeonggi-do)

Early Childhood Education

The Best Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education Program of Kyungdong University aims to educate early childhood teachers who will contribute to the development of early childhood education and the future. Early childhood is the most important period of all human life for education. Since infancy is the beginning of human development as well as the beginning of life, the quality of experience in early childhood has a lasting impact on subsequent growth and development. In order to contribute to the development of early childhood education we strive to educate to students professional knowledge and technic about early childhood education. We also strive to strengthen the personality education which cultivates in students love of infants, sincerity about life, and passionate attitude about the future.

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페이지 담당정보

책임자 이영석 033-639-0218
실무자 이승렬 033-639-0131
최종 업데이트 2021-09-09

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