

Kyungdong University – Global Campus(Goseong)

Hotel Management

Fostering international hotel managers

This program offers basic management courses such as Management Information Systems for the Hotel Business, the Principles of Hotel Marketing, and HR Management, as well as practical courses such as the Principles of the Hotel Service, which are needed for hotel management, the Hotel Front Guest Room Service, Information of the Strategic Hotel Management, and Hotel Food &Beverage Management. In addition, to foster professionals equipped with the theories and practical experience required by the hotel industry, the department provides competitive programs such as local and overseas internship opportunities, exchange students, oversea studies scholarships, contests, major study English language lectures, and a joint degree system with overseas universities.

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페이지 담당정보

책임자 이영석 033-639-0218
실무자 이승렬 033-639-0131
최종 업데이트 2021-09-09

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