
History of KDU



To lead in the creation and service to humanity through devotion and self-discipline.


  1. 02.

    Department of Early Childhood Education recognized for the highest achievement in the Teaching Professionals Development Capacity Assessment by the Ministry of Education and Korean Educational Development Institute (Feb. 2021)

  2. 01.01

    Selected as an “Outstanding Institution” in the Donations for Education program (Jan. 1, 2021-Dec. 31, 2023)


  1. Department of Wellness Management and Department of Korean Studies newly established

  2. 09.09

    Recognized as the Best Human Resources Developer of 2020 by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training

  3. 09.01

    Nursing education certification evaluation certification (Jun. 13, 2021-Jun. 12, 2026)

  4. 03.01

    Recognized for education globalization capacity by the Ministry of Education (Mar. 1, 2020-Feb. 28, 2022)

  5. 01.10

    Agreement signed on cooperation between the Gangwon universities for regional innovation

  6. 01.01

    President Chun Sungyong appointed as the 11th Chairman of the Council of the Presidents of Gangwon Universities