President’s Greetings
Our Kyungdong University which its developments are accelerated toward an evolving ideal.
Welcome to the Kyungdong University website. We are delighted to be a source of pride for our students and staff.
Chun Sung-yong, Ed.D.President
Kyungdong University
We can help you develop the following traits.
Clear recognition of your life’s value and the importance of hard work in fulfilling your ego
Have a global insights and multifarious abilities and maximize your potential
Be creative and devote all your energies with passion
We came up with Kyungdong Vision 2022, which reflects these objectives in our education programs, and will be implementing it in degrees starting this year.
First,Kyungdong University is planning to build partnerships with businesses.
A university-business cooperation system will enable the students to find employment while still studying, in order to gain work experience, access to scholarship opportunities and professional networks, while also enabling companies to find the right people they are seeking. With this aim in mind, we are planning to run half of all enrollments as employer sponsorships and the other half as internships. We’re constantly improving the support we provide to students in finding employment and in creating startups, to better supply job search information and to help our students understand and manage themselves better, to form healthy and successful relationships. We are doing this by providing one-on-one mentoring opportunities with graduates that have found employment, and by holding special lectures on career guidance.
Next,we are planning to help our students develop vision and purpose so that they can maximize their abilities.
We will be using a performance tracking system and providing a range of special programs that will afford the students who stay on track greater scholarship opportunities, as well as opportunities for overseas experience, including study abroad programs and foreign internships. For students requiring support with the basic abilities, we will be running a range of programs designed to improve their basic learning abilities and aspirations.
Third,the student residences at Kyungdong University will be upgraded to infuse education and the value of sharing in the accommodation.
We understand that many students find it difficult to adapt to a new environment away from home for the first time. To help them find happiness, develop relationships, and identify their strengths, we will develop and run a range of self-development programs in the form of learning, daily activities, pastimes, and sports. As a result, a greater range of students will have opportunities to take part in leadership development, internships, military science, and foreign language education.
Lastly, we will structure the education we provide to coincide with regional developments taking place in the areas of healthcare, social welfare, tourism and leisure, emergency medical services, natural therapies, Korean culture, special education, and the industrial infrastructure.
The Kyungdong University of today would not have been possible without its history of the trials we have faced and overcome. What we learned is that we have to keep moving forward with aspirations that evolve with the times. Today, Kyungdong University is growing into a home of learning and development that everyone who has shared a part of its history can be proud of.Thank you.