
School Motto/ School Symbol/ School Song

  • The lion is one symbol of Kyungdong University. It stands for dignity, courage, perseverance, and justice. Since the Three Kingdoms Era of Korea, the lion has personified the values of sanctity, power, dignity, and truth.
  • The pen and shield stand for the pursuit of truth and guardianship of the people.
  • The red and blue colors stand for the “supreme ultimate,” the positive and negative, and the flow of nature. The book, earth, sunrise, and the beacon represent quests, honor, and success. These symbolic meanings tie into Kyungdong University’s educational motto of Hongik Ingan in promoting a deep understanding of life and the world, combined with the development of human resources capable of functioning as leaders in today’s global environment.
  • The code of thought for the people at Kyungdong University is visualized by the color blue (abundance of youth, progress, spirit, and positivity), the color red (passion), and the color white (purity).
  • Font : Arial MT Bold, Color : C(100), M(50), Y(0), K(0)

Logofont and Chromaticity

Pantone 0072bc

Process Color : C100 / M50 / Y0 / K0
RGB Color : R0 / G114 / B188